Rupali Bank Branches in Bagerhat

Rupali Bank Branches in Bagerhat

There are total 9 branches of Rupali Bank Limited situated at Bagerhat district in Bangladesh. Following table of all branches in Bagerhat district will help you to have any particular branch address address with location, telephone number, routing number, SWIFT code and other related information. Clicking the branch names will show you branch information directly. We have arranged the list by branch names alphabetically.

Branch Name Address Telephone
Bagerhat Bagerhat Sadar, Bagerhat 0468 62332, 019 22872007
Baraikhali Baraikhali, Bagerhat 04656 56211, 017 15855845
Betaga Bazar Betaga Bazar, Bagerhat 019 12477152
Fakirhat Fakirhat, Bagerhat 04653 56204, 016 72514161
Kachua Bazar Kachua Bazar, Bagerhat 04654 56012, 019 17138601
Mansa Bazar Mansa Bazar, Bagerhat 017 16022896
Mollahat Mollahat, Bagerhat 04655 56009, 017 26601554
Mongla Port Mongla Port, Bagerhat 04658 73275, 019 17415934
Nager Bazar Nager Bazar, Bagerhat 0468 62260, 017 12555939

Note: Branch service hours may vary and are subject to change without any notice by the respective bank. All information about bank and branch displayed above is collected from respective bank’s website or profile. is not responsible if found any wrong or incomplete branch information in this page. If found any wrong information, please contact us so that we could update database in the shortest time.

About Rupali Bank

Rupali Bank Limited was constituted with the merger of three erstwhile commercial banks, i.e., Muslim Commercial Bank Limited, Australasia Bank Limited and Standard Bank Limited operated in then Pakistan on March 26, 1972 under the Bangladesh Banks Nationalization Order 1972, with all their assets, benefits, rights, powers, authorities, privileges, liabilities, borrowings and obligations. Rupali Bank worked as a nationalized commercial bank till December 13, 1986. Rupali Bank Ltd. emerged as the largest Public Limited Banking Company of the country on December 14, 1986. The vision of the bank is to expand our loyal customer base by being known as the financial partner of choice that constantly exceeds customer expectations.

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